Young NVVI: what do we do, who are we and how can you stay up-to-date?
Dear member,
Young NVVI (yNVVI) aims to bring together all young immunologists in the Netherlands and strengthen their research culture and science. In practice, this means that the yNVVI board members are representing all young immunologists in the Netherlands within the general board and program committees of the NVVI as well as in international immunological societies (EFIS & IUIS), and wherever we see opportunities for young immunologists. Moreover, we will organise networking and career events at the NVVI Annual and Spring meetings to connect young immunologists in the Netherlands to each other and people in different career stages or trajectories.
In January of this year, the yNVVI board was revived, and now consists of 7 members:
Theo van den Broek, Chair (UMC Utrecht)
Lotte de Winde, Vice-chair & representative yNVVI in general NVVI board (Amsterdam UMC location VU)
Linda Slot, Secretary and Representative yNVVI in program committee NVVI Annual meeting (Leiden UMC)
Ewoud Compeer, Treasurer & contact British Society for Immunology (Oxford University, United Kingdom)
Nicky Beelen, Social media & outreach (Maastricht UMC+)
Gwenny Verstappen, Representative yNVVI in program committee NVVI Spring committee (UMC Groningen)
Melissa van Gool, National representative young EFIS committee (Amsterdam UMC location AMC
We will regularly update you with information and opportunities via this NVVI Newsletter and our tab on the NVVI website. In addition, please join our Slack channel to connect to other young immunologists (ynvvi.slack.com) and follow and tag our LinkedIn page and X account for national & international immunology-related updates (@yNVVI). If you have any specific questions or suggestions for shaping young NVVI and our events, please contact us at
We are looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you at the next (young) NVVI event!