The Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI) actively promotes and supports:
Excellence in immunological research, immunodiagnostic procedures and clinical immunological practice in the Netherlands. High quality of analyses of immunological parameters used in health care (for diagnostic purposes)
The societal position of the professional immunologist in all disciplines.
To achieve this, the NVVI organizes scientific meetings, maintains international contacts and has established a number of committees that regulate scientific, laboratory and clinical standards in immunology. The NVVI strives to provide input to national and international policies with the objective to strengthen the future of immunology in all disciplines.
Upcoming events
On December 29 2024 Nancy Klein passed away due to illness.
After a successful career as secretary of the initiative “Parelsnoer” (building a tissue bank with clinical data) and the Department of Experimental Immunology at the AmsterdamUMC, location AMC, Nancy became the secretary of the Dutch Society for Immunology (NVvI) in 2020. Nancy was instrumental in modernizing the NVvI with a new logo, website and membership administration. She was very efficient in keeping the board members on track and answering all the emails of members. Her interest in immunology and our society as well as her knowledge on other professional associations was extremely helpful.
We wish her family and friends all the best.
The board of the NVvI,
Esther de Jong (secretary general)
Ook dit jaar organiseert De NVvO – Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie samen met CongressCare de succesvolle Basiscursus Oncologie, van maandag 17 t/m woensdag 19 maart 2025 op Landgoed Huize Bergen, Vught.
Tijdens deze driedaagse cursus introduceren diverse sprekers, specialisten op hun vakgebied, verschillende onderwerpen van oncologische research en behandeling. Het programma streeft ernaar een breed overzicht te geven van de belangrijkste aspecten van basaal-, translationeel en klinisch-oncologisch onderzoek, behandeling, psychosociale aspecten en ethische aspecten.
Doelgroep: artsen in opleiding tot medisch specialist, onderzoekers in de oncologie (breed: van biomedisch tot psychosociaal), en HBO in de zorg met aandachtsgebied oncologie.
Informatie, programma en aanmelden via de website: Home | NVvO Basiscursus Oncologie
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Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI) Meibergdreef 15 - Location AMC - L3-109 1105 AZ Amsterdam - The Netherlands Email: |