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Membership NVVI - Dutch Society for Immunology

Membership terms and conditions:

  • The society year runs from October 1st. - September 30st.
  • Membership fee: € 77,50 per year, PhD students & technicians € 52,50 per year. 
  • PhD student membership fee is valid for a period of 3 years, After that it will change automaticallly to a full membership with fee of € 77,50. 
  • Membership fee is collected each year in April for the current society year. 
  • In case of authorization the amount will be automatically collected.
  • In case of an invoice, NVVI will add administration costs of € 20,00.
  • The invoice will be sent to your email address.
  • A membership is renewed automatically every year on October 1st., without notice of termination.
  • Ending a membership, needs to be done before July 1st. by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Benefits of your membership:

  • NVVI-DSI is part of the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) and the global International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS).
  • Discount on registration fee NVvI Annual meeting.
  • Discount on registration fee ECI and IUIS.
  • PhD students (3rd/4th year) may apply for grants to fund their attendance at international conferences, symposia and workshops.
  • PhD students, postdocs and technicians may apply for grants to fund working visits to research groups abroad.
  • Become eligible for the yearly Thesis Award.
  • Join the community of immunologists!
  • Possibility to join the yNVvI (for those with less than 10 year of work experience).

NVVI/DSI Policy on Privacy

The NVVI is regularly asked to release the (e-mail) addresses of its members. Dutch laws on privacy indicate that individual members are allowed to retrieve individual addresses of other members. This can be done via themembership list on our website, which is only available for NVVI members.

If you do not want to be included in this list, you can notify the NVVI-secretariat.

We will never release lists for mailings to members nor non-members of the NVVI. Announcements for meetings etc. can be included in our newsletters upon request.