Tissue Resident Immune Cells in Health and Disease - 20-23 March 2024, Marseille, France
General information:
General information:
NEWSFLASH - On December 11-12, 2024 the next NVVI Winterschool will be held in Noordwijkerhout. |
We would like to remind you of the deadline for abstract submission on Friday 20 September 2024 - 23:59 hrs. We are certain that in the past year you and your teams have collected great data and we look forward to see all this beautiful work presented in Noordwijkerhout.
Detailed submission guidelines and instructions for authors can be found HERE
Submit your abstract HERE.
Van Bekkum Thesis Award
The Dutch Society for Immunology aims to increase the visibility of excellent young immunologists in the Netherlands and has initiated an annual competition to select the best thesis in immunology.
The winner of 2024 gets the opportunity to present her or his work during a 20 minutes plenary presentation during the Winterschool 2024 in Noordwijkerhout and in addition will receive a reward of 1000 Euro.
The Van Bekkum Thesis award will be selected by the Thesis Award committee.
Candidates should have defended their thesis between July 1, 2023 and July 1, 2024. Promotor and candidate must have been members of the NVvI for at least 1 year, and in any case in the year prior to the nomination.
Digital thesis link of the thesis together with a letter of the supervisor(s) that explains why the thesis is exceptional, should be sent before October 1, 2024 to:
NVVI Secretariat:
Prof.dr. E.C. de Jong, secretary general
Bright Sparks
Bright Sparks are outstanding early career researchers. In a special session at the Annual Meeting of the NVvI sellected young bright scientists are put in the spotlight. A special Bright Spark Committee will select the nominees. And during this exciting event that combines competition with outstanding science, the ultimate Bright Spark of the year is selected by a panel of judges.
When submitting your abstract you can indicate whether you are a Bright Spark and upload the requested additional information.
The keynote speakers will introduce themselves to you:
Alessandra Cambi, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
Since 2016 Alessandra Cambi is full professor of Cell Biology at the Department of Medical BioSciences, Radboudumc, Nijmegen. She obtained a PhD in Biology from the University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy in Jan 2000 with a Thesis in biochemistry entitled “Comparative and functional characterization of cytidine deaminase from different organisms.” After this first PhD, Cambi moved to the Depart. Tumor Immunology (Radboudumc) and initiated a research line on membrane receptor biology (for which she obtained a second PhD in 2005, cum laude) under the supervision of prof dr Carl Figdor. As EMBO postdoctoral fellow she went for about 2 years to the Max Planck for Biophysical Chemistry in Gottingen, Germany, where she applied various microscopy techniques to study dendritic cell biology. After NWO Veni, HFSP Young Investigator and NWO Meervoud grants, Cambi became assistant professor (2010) and associate professor (2014) at Radboudumc. In 2016, she was promoted to full professor and chaired the Department of Cell biology until 2023, when several departments fused into the Depart. Medical BioSciences. Cambi currently supervises undergraduate students, one technician, three PhD students and 1 tenure-track assistant professor. For >20 years, by combining quantitative bioimaging, cell biological and immunological assays and collaborating with microscopists, immunologists and (bio)physicists, Cambi investigated leukocyte adhesion, migration and pathogen recognition. Her key discovery was the organization of membrane receptors in nanoclusters facilitating virus binding and adhesion onset. More recently, she contributes to the emerging mechanoimmunology field, investigating architecture and dynamics of actin-rich podosomes involved in dendritic cell mechanosensing. Internationally, Cambi is invited speaker at institutions (NIH, ISTA) and conferences on biophysics (Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society 2019), cell biology (Gordon Research Conference in Mechanobiology 2023; ASCB Annual Meeting 2022), and immunology (EMBO Workshop “Lymphocyte antigen receptor signalling” 2022; 15th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells 2018). She co-organized national (Dutch Biophysics Annual Meeting 2017-now) and international conferences (ZOO Meeting “Cell migration and invasion in physiology and pathology” 2019). Cambi is treasurer of the Dutch Society of Cell Biology and committee member of NWO Research Community Physics of Life. She serves as member of national (NWO Veni, Investering Groot; ZonMW Vici) and international (HFSP program grant) grant evaluation committees. Cambi combines research with education and coordinates bachelor/master courses and was thrice elected Lecturer of the Year (2016, 2019, 2023) within the Master “Molecular mechanisms of disease”.
Jacques Neefjes, LUMC, Leiden
Jacques Neefjes is professor in Chemical Immunology in Leiden. He is working in many fields including chemistry, immunology, cell biology and oncology and combined these to decipher the mechanisms of antigen presentation by MHC class I and MHC class II molecules. He has received various awards for his work in the respective fields including ERC grants and a Spinoza award. He is a board member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts KNAW, member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters and the Koninklijke Hollandse Academie der Wetenschappen.
Leendert Trouw, LUMC, Leiden
Leendert Trouw studied Biology in Leiden and already during his PhD training, at the Department of Nephrology in the LUMC, he became fascinated by autoantibodies and complement. This research, conducted in the lab of Prof. Dr. Daha, provided the explanation as to why anti-C1q autoantibodies contributed to renal damage in patients suffering from lupus, whereas the same antibodies were not harmful for healthy individuals. In order to gain more understanding of the role of complement in autoimmunity, Dr. Trouw moved to the lab of Prof. Dr. Blom, Lund University, in Malmo, Sweden. During this period Dr. Trouw focussed, now as a post-doc, especially on the role of endogenous complement inhibitors on the protection of dying and dead cells from excessive complement attack. To further develop himself in the field of complement and autoantibodies in a more clinical setting Dr. Trouw, now as a senior post-doc, started working with Prof. Dr. Huizinga and Prof. Dr. Toes at the Department of Rheumatology in the LUMC. Next to studies on the complement activating potential of ACPA and several genetic studies Dr. Trouw and his team set up a series of experiments that led to the identification of a new autoantibody in rheumatoid arthritis, the anti-CarP antibodies. After obtaining both an NWO VENI and an VIDI grant Dr. Trouw now focussed, as associate professor, on the role of complement in autoimmunity particularly in RA and SLE and on the characterisation of the anti-CarP antibody response. After obtaining an ERC-consolidator grant he moved his lab to the department of Immunology in the LUMC. Now as a full professor in immunology focussed on complement biology and therapy he initiated ‘Complement center Leiden’. With his team he is currently studying biomarkers, complement biology and targeted antibody based complement therapeutics.
Keynote speaker:
Elga de Vries, Amsterdam UMC (VUMC)
Van Loghem lecture:
Rudi Hendriks, Erasmus MC
Invited speakers:
Jochem Bernink, Amsterdam UMC (AMC)
Cecile van Els, RIVM, Bilthoven
Mandy van Gulijk, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
Balthasar Heesters, U Utrecht
Niels Hellings, U Hasselt
Noel de Miranda, LUMC, Leiden
Pieter van Paassen. MUMC+, Maastricht
Rory de Vries, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
Abstract submission deadline: 20 September 2024
Deadline early bird registration fee: 15 October 2024
Deadline late registration fee: 10 December 2024
Registration is open. For more information and hotel reservation, check HERE.
For more information on the NVVI Winterschool 2024, please contact the Meeting secretariat:
Karin Vonk
Tel: 06-83563952